X MAS .... date 25 DECEMBER 2010...
Stories... about ..xpdc...ion
Before going much further... oK ...... viewers..
I'm NO journalist... neither GOOD... writer...
Speak..UP.... what's UP in MIND..... just that...
D' barrier..... is language... unrealistic weak...VOCABULARY
YOU may LIKE it.......
YOU may HATE it....... MIND Uuu..
My concept ....
if ever U have been around at Hype Park Corner, London... Saturday.. Peoples' FREE speeches.. orators.. speak all topics... speak from their heart.... about... sensitive topics ...politics.. religions.. racials.. discrimination.... condemning governments... etc ..so ..nn so
..GOT ...points there..
BUT....Consider.. MAD.. here...
MINE too ...if Uuu like.. listen.. or otherwise.. walk away.. No BOTHER...
In addition..FREE LESSONs here... my blog contains.... like..
...... dot...dot... no meaning... eeh... writing style.. ok ...nor...trade mark..
Uuu .... you
TQ ....... thank you
Q ......... queue
lol ....... laugh out loud
WC... toilet.. or sound weesay..to Banja... English as WATER CLOSET
ha..ha.. eeh.. wow.. yow.. ooh..... wa so many.. just expressions like cartoons in COMIC books ....cartoons never die...
more...!!!! ... Uu have to look out u self...
Ok..... enough... is enough..
...a long journey today... NOT yet known.. where were we... by night fell... but convoy....NOT in too hurry...
Morning began with... ... my car starter... ok but..had to knock.. knock..!! meaning... not really happy starting car's engine ...still had difficulty with starter .......
By 7.00 am....
Everybody cheerer after long rest last night.... got ... morning breakfast... be ready to continue... loong drove ... |
Half hour passed.. looking for SOLAR.... few stations... BUT fully ...Q
NOT to waste... just d' side stalls ...many.. reserved their... solar to fast...hurry..quick...buyers.. coz..d' price cost much comparing d' near by PERTAMINA Filling Station... |
Once stopped...... all cars stopped..
As possible... cars refilled... so why NOT.. long tiring journey as expected today.... nn hardly Fuel Filling Stations around... ??? |
Already describe bike's usage ...here .. previous blog.. anywhere..
MOVING hawker... using bike.. NOT rare here.. Making money.. selling everything for living... so do customers coming nn buying daily groceries... as if... at a super market....
Stall selling FRUITs... obvious... NOT local grown fruits.... imported.. too |
Captures many photos... on bikes.. nn some already published... previous blog... LOVED them anyhow...
NO Fuel Filling Station... bUT ...YET.... FUEL purchasable easily....
Road side stalls gained profits... selling fuel in bottles... containers...
One liter.... FIVE... TWENTY .....nn biggest about 35 liters...
Noon 12... Stopped here.. a place called Simpang 3..PEMBUANG HULU ...for quick lunch...
...D' Eating House unprepared... coz.. quite a number of people.. so.. NOT to waste times.... voluntary cooks came up helping... |
By 2.30pm... approaching d' Arch....a welcome.. ' Selamat Datang '.... Gate Way in to another province.... KOTAWARINGIN BARAT
Here..d' ROAD was excellent... smooth fast driving.... nn few vehicles passed through d' route.. Forest already being cleared...nn replaced by...OIL Plantation....as seen in these photos.... left - right road .. |
A MUST refilled SOLAR... another far ... more kilometers to go.... expecting d' worst..
Buying here much cheaper... ONLY cost us Rp6,000 @ liter so... bought 30 liters... for ...Rp195,000.. Heey... be careful..... !!!! NO SMOKING... lol.. D' smoothness road...now changed to reddish sandy soil.... nn trees grew to d' foot road.. as seen here.. |
Quiet day... NO passing vehicles...
When d' lead car stopped.. so did... all d' reminder 13 cars stopped... follow d' leader.. lol. NICE...nn calm area.. just suitable... anybody LOOKING for... WC... ???. |
Just continued d' journey ... why went d' other way... by passed d' newly built concrete bridge.. ??
Simple reason... d' soil looked WET.... we did NOT want any trouble at this time.. ...looking old road track still GOOD to follow...
Another rest ..as radio called all to stop.... Hj Mohammad NOOR had to clean nn blow out d' AIR FILTER.. It could cause inconsistency.. nn sudden lost engine's power... so d' best to wash away all dirts.... |
KUNDANGAN...... 6.30 pm.. arrival........ seeing....
Typical.. easy transportation.. for all convenience was to share what others did NOT have..
D' scene where...full housed... NOT meant for passengers vehicles were common here... even elder with two young pillions just.. ordinary even here....
Getting... dusk... coming to hilly.. nnn mountainous.. land here..
HERE.. before... on 20 December.. morning after LOST nn night rest at Tanjong ASAM.. CAlifornia Hotel... remember.... my blog story....
Meeting d' possible same people.... in KUNDANGAN... |
D' advantage of KNOWING... recognizing people closed to us... now easy approached ... Stopped here for refreshing ourselves ... finding toilet... or..if hungry asked d' host to boil or fry mee.. eggs.. BUT ..had to pay... mee.. eggs.
Earlier blog... already described... owner resident.. Pa' Arifin Suni... wife... Sufiana Ningshih. Both just returned home as they had performed HAJJ to MECCA...
D' house was divided into THREE section... right corner.. their rest place .. guests' room too.... Mid section.... shop for selling groceries...nn left side... store... keeping sorts of things... drums... containers.. selling FUEL .... too.. nn... a little back section..... kitchen..nn WC. D' house was on stilts high pillars... above slope ground near road side... unseen liked a bungalow frontage ... Simple house.......one roof.. On wall....Appointment certificate.. .. appreciation letter.. as Arifin Suni was in charged d' police station here.. KUNDANGAN Police Station.... had been in service for 32 years... |
Passing through.....
Pillars Structure... Arch... D' Gate Way to exit as well....
Keep on DRIVING..... 10.25pm... arrived at Nanga Tayap... Ketapang ... later entering Nanga Tayap...Tengah... rest a while... procedding to SANDAI...
Mid NIGHT...12.45am... searching for vacancy ....2 popular hotels here.. NON..
So...WHAT .....decision....???
SANDAI...MORNIng ..after.. over night at road side ..rested nn slept... in...CALIFORNIA HOTEL......as what Uu called... NO one.... supposed to have... really comfort slept in... own car..... BUT still others - my passengers slept soundly.... ME..sorry.. long legs.. narrow driving seat.... wah...'sakit'...
......a few.. males' group ... chosen at near mosque.. just around d' corner..
My car's engine ON ... 24 hours fearing troubles ONCE... OFF .....
DAWN...early morning ...met nn be friendly... chats..nn got to know....
.....so a little request..???
Pa' RUDY...owner of d' workshop.. allowed his house... just behind..
Few.. just knew him.. made friends nn use... d' toilet.. water.. brushed teeth.. so... nn.. so ....just ..dry cleaning ...lol...
His workshop.. selling.. all sorts... bikes stopped by.. selling fuel too...
BUT..not yet offically.. opened.. still early morning... lol.. |
Pa Rudy's wife.. a little confused looking a few people made USE their home.. Taken d' picture...with her child far to right.... They're GOOD people.. accepted US... UNKNOWN TO THEM... ....Anywhere... gave away "sedekah"..donation.. a YASSIN book... Could not give much in return... Thank You Pa' Rudy..
So..convoy with 14 cars....leaving.. soon around ...7.46am.. Passing.... unfinished wooden structure... 4 stories...was meant for BIRDS' house to allowed them making NESTs... here... Journey...proceeding..... |