ALL people began ....Of coz .....
First.. baby crawling ......
.... so me started... THRee wheelers....
as 1st step .......biking .. cycling......
( along time.... photo ..was taken at a government house - just in front of Padang Besar... and Bandar Brunei Police Station 50s ......find out ....???)
times changed ... growing up with interest ..... ... taken at kampong road ...
so cycling d' only main transportation to solve an easy way to go to school.. SOASC 1960s ...... Late 1960s ...... d' 1st ever.... a long distant ....
.......Kuala Belait - Bandar Brunei cycling race .....
Best ever winner twice ......
....SOASC Cycling Team .....
so....year 2000s ......CYcling.... coming alive .....
........children young ..old... old timers ..
......... private ...schools ...clubs ...ministries ....
actively organizing activities TWO wheelers ..... whatever joining ...Cycling ............Ministry of Development

Temburong ...... d' other isolated district........
........... also not left over.... with cycling...
cycling... two wheels
....... name ONe ...................
fully higher authority see success... ok find Out ...... who ......joining me ...............
...... d' young person next to me.............
(so .... lots of stories...... cycling ...biking ........ could nOt be separated...
my late father already owned Norton bike in 50s..............
.......... so watch out d' plate Number... ??? )
see ........... picture below...........
NO ..wonder...... NOT 1st Love.......
..................... me... starting young .... to LOVe bike........
my early blood was here....
....once......own money ....... able to purchase One .....
......250 Suzuki ... in 1978...
.... for a time being ........
of Coz.... while oversea ......using ... scooter ... an island ....CORfu...Greece... 1981.....
after .....years dedicated & ...hard work ..........
................. ...working as civil servant....
......... so time for..... relaxing.....
..........of coz ...... after a LONgggg .... absent ........
back to ...... motoring................
1st ... paticipation .....
........2006 BIIBBF at KK..Sabah....
starting only...a 400cc bike.....eeehh
at that time around cluB ...was ...KEMBARA...
.........with a friend ..... Late Mike.....
( .. later years before passed away he was appointed as President of PEMODA....)

......a few ....joined trips..... this was Yamaha to Sibu...
( can U find .... me.... here..)
...... this was something to remember ...
....( coz.... on d' way back ... I got d' unfortunate accident... n.. to be carried for FIVE trouble hours to Serian Hospital .. Sarawak day.. flied back n hospitalized in RIPAS for a week.... WOooo... a bad day too... my grandmum passed away d' same day I got d' accident)..
.......a Kawasaki big bike 1200cc .. (used).......
.....was only purchased a week before d' trip.... n..
.....what HAppened.. after that..( along story IF I should put in here)
..... another Yamaha 1100cc ......
...........also purchased with reduced used bike....
......... used d' bike to a Yamaha Trip to Sandakan......
....... so next ....decision to be part of oversea trip......
so I SOLD...... d' TWO 2008...
..... able to buy a new brand NOT new but a strong..... touring..
another used New XJ900P Yamaha ... 900cc.....
..... so a bargain... reduced price....aaaaa ( that's d' point)
.........(so a turning point .... joined PEMODA... JUST before d' trip to West Malaysia)
this picture was taken during my 2nd trip...
......Yamaha Trip to West Malaysia .....2010
........ after my 1st..... PEMODA trip.... 2008
.....................(also using d' same BIKE...) picture ......Riding to Phuket ...Thailand .........
this was taken from d' web site.....
................. owner d' Late Chairman of Kelantan Bike Week himself
Late ..year 2008.....
....purchased another 1500cc bike...Goldwing ..Honda....
(after PEMODA Trip to West Malaysia 2008)
......a useful ...XJ900p Yamaha ... used many times...
...Trips to overseas .....
(including latest Trips to West Malaysia ..nn.. Thailand......... April 2014
..................4 Island Ride ..n..4 Nation Ride...............)
......Oooo Yyesss.... a useful one.....
so to.... Pontianak... Kalimantan Barat.. Indonesia.... out..... tWO of our dear LAte bikers..... here..
(..passed away Last year 2013 .....standing .....two left side...)

made used my Goldwing to many places ..... ...DJ group... or ....A U J group
............. trip to Semporna...2012

Group photo....
Late... Almahrum Aziz ...was here too.........
.......3rd right .....front row

in May 2013....
a brand new 45K.... .... Road Glide ..Harley Davidson....
purchased ...just to be included with d' HOGB group ... a trip oversea......

....... Kuala Lumpur...
....... Rode to Singapore.....
.................... group Convoy... to Trengganu ...
to Penang.....
HOG Brunei ... participated KL Harley Days
picture... at Harley dealer..... KL...

so met ...Harley man himself..... in ...KL .... 2013
....... d' picture was in Miri...(look at d' background building...eeemmmm)
DJ ........... stands ...for Dato Jemat ... standing far left ....
most.... much younger bikers...ah..hhaaaa..
(to cross to d' island .... of coz.... full house ferry)
..... actually MORE.... of coz..... if times permit to squeeze in this full blog..........