d' brain behind d' success....... NUR Wanita Restaurant...
gave free meals .... most ...every rides..... ending dinner at d' restaurant.....
so watch out ..d' past ..published ..Blogs... ok..............
Educated.... well.... retired Government servant.. to highest position......
..... now doing Business.....Dato..... a man... also.... enjoy.... Riding...................
so 1st...d' experienced...... spending times at Bandar Seri Begawan... Nur Wanita.............
that was... after.... a trip to ..Labuan............. blog..on 24 October 2012
so watch out... observe..... NOt only d' food served.....
......d' interior designs........ each location ... each district...... would make it different...
was in Kuala Belait........after a morning breakfast ride to Miri City............
way back ...home...... stopped here............ my blog...30 October 2012......

Dato.... brought Bikerz.....us members......especially...
.............to his.... newly built building at Serasa..... this year... around
...... it was an ...... unfortunate story.............. eeemm.... to me...........
.......but .....at d' end..enjoyed d' breakfast to this softly opened...........
my blog......shown d' pictures.... 7 June 2015...... ok

Evaluation......... Gold.... only given .... to...d' BESt....
I could NOT say....more...... U ..welcome to visit...
..........Enjoy...d' food....
republished...... to know .....more what people think .....n ... say....
d' food.... d' restaurant.... unique.........
as extracted... from newspaper....