Sunday 22 May 2011

HSBC ... WAlk ... RUN .... CYCle

HSBC ........ organizing   ...... WALK..
                                             .......RUN ..
                                            .......CYCLE .....
my BLog .... only covering Cycling ....
.....d' rEst ... look at latest NEws in  newspapers...

Earlier ...leaflets   distributed to people  ..... to be collected at banks ...forms to  be included to participate  ..... should be submitted entitle UUuu to collect MONi .. to contribute for  this DONation ....
Mine.... Nice Number      ................. 1177
Yaza ...eldest ...ambitious  son    ..... 1178
So .... here SUNday 22 May

RAINING....morning    .....would NOT stop Uuu ... coming

RAIning .....means GOOd ... GOD Will  .....BUt... only weather NOt so friendly     ..... seemed to bE....
Simple STage............. to be used on later stage .....
Still early stages .....  one after another .... POLIce Riders were REAdy so early ....... Taman Haji Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddin ..... still EMpty.....
We .... ON time       .... LOL    ....Yaza..  knows his DisCipline timing ....  a professional airforce soldier should BE ... so had to accompany  with his timing too ...

All paticipants ..... all people came here so eager ...early ....those working with HSBc ... those paritcularly ..taking parts for .... walking .... running .... of coz    ...cycling with their gears UP....... ready ... good expensive Bicycles ..... racing .. mountain bikes ...mine just ordinary cheap ... .....mountain BIKe should be ...medium price GT type .... eeeeeeeh ....sentimental  nn loved ONe most...  a decade ...morel   ....year 2000

How do Uu call ????   Streaming ..... NOt only water  ...Raining.... just look at ground ..WEttt .... beautiful ...shinnniing morning shadows ....
COming ...PEople ...All ages... all pants ON ... colourful ..unexceptional cyclists .... like to SHOW OFf ...branded bright attractive colours ..... of ...nICe new jerseyssss ...

Well ... NOt really ...KNow...   FANcy DRESSEs...  took place too ....

FANcy dress ... included in d' even .... somebody to watch .... a BIG prize .... MOSt captured ... attractive to judges.... WHO...???
CheeR Leader..... small LAdy ......NOt very sure ...
Wahhh ...... TALL Egyptian ...... sure took part in Arabian Nights .....
That must be REAL LOoonng white beard ....   eehhh
NO.... big joke... for somebody loSE ....from Jail ...... similar.. likely.. eeeee
Aaah ah.... original ... PG Haji Rosli .... appointed MARshall ... cycling  ..NGO
Eeee... familiar.... NICE... HAT... greeener.. used to be khaki...brownish.. looked.... Chinese looked ..too ..

 FRiends .....enthusiasts ...cyclists.... familiar faces.. ready to support... to GIVE BIg Hands.... where ever ...when ever.... to those NEEDED..

wHo..... ????
ALL DoNATion...going to ..
Pussat Ehsan Al-Ameerah Al-Hajjah Maryam ...
...Brunei  in d' WOrk with special NEEds Children ......

ALL in ONE as well   .... TEMBURong ...CYCLists..... farrr from OVErsea ... of COz ... using early FASt-boat crossing BRunei Bay ... Temburong District separated by Malayssian Border .... IF ever ....A Bridge Built IN TIme ...  NEEd NOt ... to HUrry catch up this morning even .... as in d' leaflet .... schedulled time should had been starting SHArp ....7.00 in d' morning .........  
ALL in REDs..... sure NOT that.... 'THais' supporters .... HSBC's colour   ......

 FREE  T Shirt ........ RED .... BUt... prefer MINe special cycling jersey ..... NOt me alone .... most cyclists... 
Shhirts.... thin..elastic ...absorbing...anything wet   liquid.... Uuur sweats ...
Not mentioning  ... ALL sorts of NAMEs..... Fierce FACEs too on shhirts ..
Mine.... watch my jersey .... NOt monkey .... lol

NOt forgetting .... every gRoup of Cycling's Convoy ....compulsory safety FIRst ...
Helmets ..... cycling helmets .... unlike MOTORbike Helmets ... much lighter .. BUT..... some valued ..... FAshionable ......

 FATher nn SON .... young nn elder .... 
.....friends nn rivals .... beauty nn untidy .... 
ALL in ONE .... today  ..just to support HSBC .......  BANK.... lol    many money ...!!!!
DOA....Pray to ALLah d' Mighty  .... bless UPon US with gOOd deeds ...... save us from any difficulties ... so ........... AaaaaaMinnn ....... amin

Starting POINT .... assembly Point ... all should follow at least Not more ...25kph ... NO OVERtake ... 

Few spectators ...... MOSt people here ...were taking parts ... walking ...running ....cycling ...   simple three elements follow...????

 Passing d' MAIN road... Highway ... Hassanal BOLKIah ..... JAMe.. mosQue ... now roundabout .. which wAY to GO ..????

Keep on going... straight to underground ..... tunnel ... NOt TIME Tunnel ... at ROUNdabout ....

Making NOICes ... loud ...louder .... Echoing ....sound  .... here ...

SOMething ..we like to AVOId ......  bUt accident COULd Happen ...
Happened coz... cyclists were tight closed each others... unaware a sudden brake made  unexperienced cyclists ...LOST control ... 

Sudden brake ... at wet road ..cyclists ..should aware OF..MOst of d' times ...

Easy to catch UP ..if left behind...coz QUITe ..LOTs of cyclists today .... 300.. might be more ..

Another ACTIVIty at BUKIT Sahbandar passed alonng d' highway ..a poster stating SOMEthing was going ON at this tracking Place .... GOOd sign if we aware of OUR HEalth .... lol .... should BE...  !!!!
JUst looked at d' CARs here ... parking on side road where as usual NO Parking .... highway ROAD code .... 
......more CARs than people... typical BRuneians     ..aah

  PIT stop ... at HSBC at JERUDONG ..
Time to rest .... or BRUneians say ... time to ....KESIRING .... ok.. some might NOt understand ....   MEn  easy exit ... just observed ... could NOt control anywhere ... sorry..NO comfort rooms along Highways ...... 
EVen ...convoy on progress ..some ...they just stopped nearby bushes .... eehhh............. 
DOINg what ???  At this cool... raining day ... of coz Uuu know....

Drinks...tinned driinks  ... water bottles .. bananas..... some light biscuits ..buns..   ...given FRee ...   THanks... anywhere 

Soon after PIT stop .... continuing from Jalan Jerudong to Jalan Sengkurong ......
Came acrossed .... overbridge ..meaning for people to cross busy roads   ..especially at high... times..  nOt coffee ... usually office hours ..NOoN after school dismisses ....

But ..d' most..
.....passing NURul Iman ....  just passing d' palace... unseen.. blocked by d' fore plants ..  trees ... BUt nice cared landscaping along d' road.. where tourists are given hardly times where to see ... I meant d' fore ground trees covered d' view of whole palace ... even though.. ONCE.. recorded ..d' MOST rooms.. bIG Palace.... eeeeh

HAve Uu BEEN here ....??? ....Simple way ..wait  for HARI Raya Adilfitri ....OPen Palace .. all are invited to mEEt d' SULTAN ....BUt only THree    That is d' ONLy time .....Uuu can ENTER .. for public ..see around .. allowed to EAT ..drinks.. nn being served nn NOt least ... MEEt d' Sultan....   d' whole ROYal FAMIly .....   lol..... eeeh ..if Uu underage... 12.. would get $ plus "tapow' to ALL..... gOoD eeeeh..

 Ok ..... just around  mILe 1 .... another overbridge to EMPty land... ONCe a bbuSY place.... A CINema was here... blocks of SHOps.... many shops...people around...... leaving unattended deserted OVerbridge ... few shops' blocks still here .... 
Still  .....people here waiting BUs stOP ....

KEEp Going..... going to town ...right turned ... to mosque .. passing right side ... ONCE d' most beautiful mosque in ASIa.....  look at d' background .... d' beauty is sTILL there ... unmatch.. to NEw mosques......

Yayasan .... another TWIN buildings ... another LANdmark  of Kampung AIR ..... ONce located.... right in d' MALay ...housing ..Kampong Sultan Lama ... so d' land being reclaimed ... put more soil to cover... d' watery low lying once still houses.... gOT FIRe... destroyed most of d' closed doors to doors .... was HIStory ......

So...entering left turned to JAlan SULTAN........ on both sides shops... now high buildings .... most deserted...NIgHT Times .... once focal point... buying ... exchanged goods ....
Knowing... NO where else....  as Kampong Ayer people landed here for shopping .... so did people from remote land villages .... NOt so long ago... only early 70s     ..........eeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  GOING.....straight nn left turned ..BACk where ... were ...Started ..
Was.. called PADANG BESAR BRUNEI ...  again History....
ooooHH Yes..   TAMAN HAJI Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddin ...
End of d' journey... all WINNers ... once arrived ...just left behind bicyles... nn lOOKed.. for LUCKy NUmber on white BOard .... any LUCK... Uuu would get something to bring home... IF NOt.. just proceeding to d' ladies serving away boxes ... green boxes ....  together ..a bottle of water ... tinned drink ...

 What Can Uu DO with GReen BOX ....???  .. inside .... another box of rice.. fried chicken ... slices  honey dew ...grapes .... slices cakes ...  wwwwaaahh
So..... took free seats anywhere ... shaded grandstand also NIce.....

Grass.... WHy NOt...??? ....Forget about this morning rain ... all DRied... 
......  EAT as Uu could.. ....

OK... 8KM CYCLING..... NOt to be MISS judged .... that was for children ..might bE with companions  ... bUT  ..... their...BIg brothers ... sisters if any .... fathers ... granny ....whhhhooo ..... farrrr   45km  nnn more....

ANNOUNCING ....WINNers...... LUcky numbers ....
             iF .... Uuu so LUCKy....
             IF.... any ...just refer to.........NEWASpapers .......

IF NOT.....   just leave.... nn    ...HOMe......


NEw added INFo ........   BORNEO BULLETIN ........  Saturday 28 May 2011