Monday 28 November 2011

CAMden Town Market .....a must VIsit London

Camden Town Market......
.......ok let's .... know something.........................................................

Why ...looking for market .......... in LONdon .. ?????
Why places ... are sooo ..popular...????
 ........... yes.... Uuu can easily answer ............................................... .....A ...B ...C... or  ...... 1...2... 3.....................................

Namely TWO popular ..... U ...know d' Names.... !!!
Have uuUU been to .... LIVerPool Street ..... market here...
...... called ...PETTicoat Lane Market.....
Liverpool St .... ONe of LONdon's BUsiest commuter station at d' heart of FInancial London.....................................................................................
............ this is a world FAMous market with over 1200 stalls selling a wide range of goods including clothing... leather..fabric  ...... as well as ..laces ...fine jewellery ..... nn .... many .... many....................................

Another ONe.... WEMbley Market.... OOohh Yess.. all names ....connected famous names..... football games...................
                                                ...................................... so ... lots........
...a large SUnday market with over 500 stalls .... nn ..variety of fashion items .... household items .... nn ... eletrical goods.....................................
.............LArgest Sunday ..Market in England .... drawing HUge crowds for over 30 years.... the place is held at d' car park in front of d' NEw Wembley Stadium complex.... nn easy access by ...... bus
                                                      ...............nn huge parking ..of coz.....

so... Camden Town..Market....
.........learn ... nn ..see.......................................................................
.........might  ... many ....similarities ...or.. something ....Vast different .... 

Camden .... is now FOURth MOst popular tourist attraction in LOndon ...UK .......................................................................................
....... attracting almost 100,000 people each weekend......................
The Camden Town Market .....   a number of adjoining large market in Camden Town near the Hampstead Road lock of the Regend's canal........ this area specialising in alternative fashions.... vintage ... emerging designers .... funky ..... ??? 

Camden ..........  so popular that congested Camden Town tube street operates special Entrance ... nn .... Exit Rules .... on Sundays for safety reasons ...... on d' narrow platform .......................................................... 

D' market originally operated on SUndays ....still d' main day... with much activity on Saturday.....but increasingly number of traders ...mainly in FIxed permises operate throughout d' week .......................................................
................ the shops were NOt allowed to trade on Sundays until ..... the SUnday TRading ACt 1994  .............................
..well .... have to  learn trading in UK ......most probably Asian provoke changed .....  ACt took parts ... to allow ... to force work ......permit ..... nn .... sooo ...... many shops in our country practising 24 open-hours ............. ignoring something in d' West had done ....................................................

Buildings............... U like to see.............
Hard to ............... unless U ... appreciate d' LOOks ...... d' fashions ........
Here ...... d' glass building... see carefully ... U'll find d' sewing machines each block of d' windows ........ really ...............................................................

AMSterdam of LONdon ................. wwooow ...............................
          ......................................another borrowed Famous Name..............

 ............... mixtures of ...WEst ...... East.......................... .......combination make Views  Good.... Nice feeliings..... sort off.................
......... like common names ......Dragon...... Fairy DArk Angle ..... Shoes .......
...all put on d' wall .................. nn ......... mmany....................................

 Looking at d' crowd ...d' people ...........
               .........................this place is a thriving shopping area .............
               ........................ all year round ..............................................
NIce DAy .... Nice weather ....... BUT ......a sudden cloud .........this typical UK climate .....changed ..... U would also fOUnd here .....................

  RAINning heavily ............ so sudden ...... a surprice indeed...........

                                  .........GOt ...Uu..... here..............................
Most unprepared....... so deserted street leaving few with umbrellas...........
But ..NOT too worry ............ a few minutes ..people come back ................
Actually ...... people took covered............. inside d' shops .......................

Not too ..........worry..........about food............ U'r choice..............
Trying something different......................... use  the scooter's seat  .........
Just d' design.......... mainly ....... anybody seats ....................................
          .....................sitting nn eating.... while facing d' canal ..................

Large selection of Fast Food Stalls ..........................................
............. can still .... have d' option.................. finding......light medium price food  ............... while U walk around......... shopping ................... 

.............. bLack is beUTIFUL ..................................................
yES..... MATCH ..... d' design U like........... most.......................................
                     NOt all ...........................for young .............. people ........
All................. T Shirts............. are selling here............BEst .............

STalls........ built next ........ door to door...............................................
                                  ......................... open market.... outdoors..............
..... 5 pounds considered .............. bargain ........... yyyeeh
CaMden Lock Market was originally a Craft Market.... occupying some outdoors areas by canals....... nn various exisiting building..................
Attract large numbers of visitors partly .....................................................


 .......... indoor market opened in 1991 .........................................
.........................................on d' site of outdoor market ........................

A large indoor market hall was constructed between Camden lock market .....nn the STables Market previously used opened air stalls ....................................................................................................
.....November 2007 .... Stables Market was demolished as part of long term redevelopment plan for d' area ...rebuilt dedicated market areas ...................

Buildings .......... built of brick with a large amount of CASt IRon work in traditional style .......................................................................

 .......... Visiting here......... could NOt be compared ............. visiting other markets..... of coz .............. Uu would amaze ......................
......... found ........more eccentric ..............................

 ........... outside shops............. displaying ......... curiousity .......... to know more inside.............. d' Arts most unique.......................................

 ............. window shopping ............ or ................................
              ................................just looking .............................

 Leaving ...Camden Town Market ............ was something ........
 .................. to remember.......... to bring back memories............home .....

ONCe .....Looking back   ........... d' pictures ............ wow... U thought going back ..... coz .... missed something ........................................................

         But ..........sorry ....U could't reverse d' times..................................
      time wouldn't be d' same ......................................



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