Monday 27 February 2012

28th .... BRUNEI National DAy

................. an important DAy of year calender ....
....... those early people found it as Past ........ history ...................
...but d' new generation ..........  who would  BE ..d' future people should KNOw their heritage ... history .....sense of love ..... responsiblity ......... nn
.. ownership FEElings ....upon developing this small NAtion.......................

........Now ......upon d' shoulders of these YouNg LEaders ..........................
                                              ....................... oF ...future GEneratiOn ...
Front pAge of d' Borneo Bulletin ............ covering ....thick pages of all about Brunei Darussalam National Day ....... celebrated  .... YEArly ....... counting till NOw ..... as said ......
 ....grown uP maturity of 28th ...... here nn...d' extracted .....few  Pages.. know ..... here ... d' chance to review my BLog .... providing MOre .. ....
NOT alone bUt .... opinions of FREe speech ...............................................
Borneo Bulletin nn Brunei Times' ... NEws Reporters ......covering d' auspicious day ......  for US REAd ...... 

...........especially those missed d' day ....d' story  
                                 here   .....NEWs from Brunei.......

Morning ...23 th February .............
............. as early  ....... possible to avoid .... traffic ........ roads to d' heart of Bandar Seri Begawan.............. Public were advised to use.... transportation ...BUses... located at certain centers of PICKing Places...... for FREE ride ............... large parking spaces ....... for cars ..... at various locations  ............

School buses were carrying thousands ............... students ..from d' learning institutions all Brunei....... took parts ..... assigned to collect for d' destination to Celebrate  ...
 ................ happy ...seemed to BE .......... FLags flying ....... each carrying Brunei FLags ........... a sort of simple education to teach them to have d' sense of belonging to this nation .......
...... beginning at d' early stages ........... so school plays their parts.........

Pupils ...students ...teachers ..... all of them already at d' sides of d' road ...
Right ....there .......d' comfort rooms easy reached ..... d' toilets most wanted ....also erected at d' site of road to Bandar ......
All probably..wearing different uniforms ..accordingly to their schools ....... private ..nn ..government ......
BUt ..obvious d' GREen people ..... most likely ..military people ....IF NOt somebody ...... armed ...?????

Public..... especially tourist ....IF ..... newer ..or .. 1st curious to know more ..about BRunei communities ......... witnessing .. d' parading day .... marching past to salute HIs Majesty d' Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah

BAndar SEri Begawan .......was used to BE named .... PEkan Brunei ...... Brunei Town ............................................
LOCation, an empty area used for this memorable occasion was once a field ....  football field ............. the place where all important activities happening .............. Independent Declaration .......... Malaysia CUp was played  here too ........ . so MOre.......... so many ..... uncounted ........ for years ever remembered .... since World War II ....................

This is d' HEart .............centered ..a small round about ......observe carefully ........... there is a CLOCk TOWER ....... in d' center of d' road ..... JALAN SULTan .......................................
...well also a HIstory..... d' FIRst AgOng of MALAYa was d' one Named as ... his memorable visit to Brunei.................................................

 UNIFORM PEOPLE were ready ..for marching ...... had to do their OWN.. inspection first of all .......BUt......foreign guests .....tourist.... would like to enjoy as well ............ so d' MEDIa...TV people took d' opportunity to INTerview .....
..........what's Uur opinion this gathering............????

 D' GREEN...... (again) ....some colourful tooo ...yellow ... blue .... easily ..identitified ........... Would Uu...... notice ...??

 DOA ... early blessings .... praying d' process .....

...........SMart LOoking people .............LOOked... tough ...................... stood ...............walked straight................... Recognizable ...????
Still ..... at ease ............for d' REst...... just getting ready ........
...................especially these ladies...... WHO ?????

  NOt ......least JASTRE .....
                Ministry of Development ........................

 ................. so d' other departments .....
                                ministry ..... nn.... d' rest ......

..... morning heat .........nOt bad ....feeling d' boiled Morning SUN ......
BUt some..tried to hIde ...............TOOK shelter somewhere SAfe ......
Found it unIQuE SEe........... different uniforms .......... costumes....... traditional .......modern ....sporty ........
         ......NOt least ...Baju Kurong ...nn ..Baju Melayu parade .......marching  bEGan .............................................
       ........ unlike...other CArnival ..... celebrations ................ 
        this is National Day Celebration .................

Fancy DREsses .....bright colours  .......BUT ....
 ...............Discipline ............. d' main agenda to show..... people

 ............ Guests............Hassanal BoLKIah Trophy .........
.......Foreign INvited Teams of ASEAN Football ..under 21 .... were here to take part SAlute ...our Sultan ...too ......................

 ............ at d' back yard ....... unseen ....... IF ......
            ........we did NOT look..............  WOwwwww................................
RR ...BMW.... ..... eeeemmm ...Mercedes .....of Coz ...............
...............more expensive .......BRanded nn Named....... Cars......................
NO least ...... white  escort motorbikes....... yesss... Goldwings..... these bikes used specially to escort.....His Majesty d' Sultan ......

 ............... so.......FULL Housed..... used to say .........
           .............PADang Besar Brunei .... but NOw...... named...
performing patterns ...using selected colourful ..sort of flabbed....stretch sun shades ......  woooo  ........ not too concentrate watching d' patterns ...... coz nOt much .. movements ..except .... SIT ..STANd.... hands movements...????
        ........... might clear... IF Uu see through TV coverage....eeee

 ................... so d' HEat .............. had to mention ...............
But ...lucky watch from d' Grand Stand....... provided for public... Uuu're protected .........nn d' height enablle to watch from here.................

 ...............exhausted ...........yes........... plus d' heat............
                           ..................... people were beaten to d' ground....
...PrOving .............UNiformed voluntary people carrying .......
                                                     ...................somebody for shelter ....

 ............. so AFter ............ so busy .........
             .......a place to cool down d' throats ............. where....... ????
.........road sides vendors ........... were............ freely erected their own road site booth great opportunity to have side INCOme ............ WHY NOt ????
BUt ......... some still have times to ........... remember... Group pictures....

BE ...PRoud .................
            ........still appreciate ...............d' BEauty....

While ..D' rest ..slowly......... leaving d' venue ...back home destination..
VIP ........BLACK..... cars...... easy excess................................
Those....with..buses...should find... a little further at ..........parking areas...
LOST............ d' transportation committees were here to assist...............
                                                                               .............of coz....

                Allah hu ak bar....... merdeka ... here ......well come back...........


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WHat they SAId .... about ....
                                    .....NATIONAL Day ???

The Brunei TIMes ...Saturday February 25, 2012








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