Wednesday 21 March 2012

BORNEO bIG BIkers... Pontianak..

PEMODA BIkers were ... in ....PONTianak......
                      any reasons......... whY ..????
UPon ...INvitation .... by Host .............
QUOTA .....each club participated ............ numbers ... 
                               ...................ONly ... 20 Bikers ........................... 
D' main theme .................... this BIkes' Gathering ....................................
           TOURing LINtas Negara 2012 ..... named by d' INdonesian .... centered in Pontianak ........................... 
                              Kalimantan Barat ...on d' other way.....................
      TOURing ACROss  STAtes (countries) 2012...
.....  sort off ... to my understanding ................ correct ME .... eeehhh...
Countries be d' journey proposed to pass ..... THREe places ..... starting ..Pontianak, Kalimantan ... Indonesia .... Sarawak, Malaysia ... nn ..Brunei Darussalam.....

PEMODA ...represent Brunei Bikers were ..........greatly honour .....
                   .....being invited....  THank Uuu....................

........... tempted  with Promises of fully sponsorship ....????
                                                           ............. ...oh...Yessss
NOT ...really....  too hIGH Expectation....?????
NOT to be carried away .......Ready for d' worst .........................
BIkers ... knew ....d' limitation ...... firstly ....budget ....nn ..more burdens ......

D' Gifts our sponsers ........ !!!!!
                           ..............were more appreciated ....... anywhere ........

LOcation  .................ORCHARDz Hotel ......................
                         ........building blocks ...looked ..brandly new ................. participants' bikes were kept  ...........properly assembled to right side wall of d' building....... d'  ...opposite  new block  ....... still vacant ......

MOrning ...1st.. day in Pontianak ................
              ........... bright light ..cheerful ... day ...........everything ...ok..........
With impression ...D' HOtel ..... clear views....... FRresh smell ... clean .........
........... d' surroundings .. breakfast on d' ground floor....
Those seated .... Guests  .................. occupied by bikers ............................ 
.......BIKes' participants.....................

Breakfast taken ....... just pop  - OUt   to see .................................
......a big vehicle ....a truck .....a pickup ...full of these boxes......................
Proposely to be given out to each CluBs ... participated ..............................
.... so Pemoda 's committees just made sure ......accordingly .......................
Satisfied .......helments .... according to each participants' sizes 
.......Waahhhhh......mOre ........ happier.............eeeh  ..????

HAppier to ...make choices ..... a last minute..... IF d' size .... right ...OK.... ....white ..... REd....................
Indonesian .... Sarawakian ....
NOt least our lady biker ... here ...... Mimi already picked hers said  "her..lam"...d' sound ....nOt d' spelling ..eee 
           ...........................also ...known as .......helmet ................
We had a task to follow ........morning itinerary .....
 ............ so ..Riding to ......... a LOCation.............. passing through... dual main roads ....of heavy traffic ...seemed  .....a lot ....small motocycles too.....
This  was Jalan Jeneral Ahmad Yani ....nn ... a MAll... on d' left......
proceeding nn U turned before entered left........................

HERE ........... 
      BIke OPening Ceremonial ...taking place.........
...............all popular motorbikes .....were SHOwn ............ here

Touring ...............
                 .....eeeehhh ............street bikes .........

............HArdly  showing ........... OK........ 
....each ONe of d' BIkes ........being shown to Pontianak PEople .......
...all belonged to d' owners ...or d' participants of this gathering.........................................................
wOOwww......... jAKarta...........
                         ............DUKati .......DUCATI...........

Friends ...........  
.......maDE friends .........borderless        ....................

Ice Breaking .................welcoming audiences .................
       d' Guests......  Honour .....Guest ..............................
 ...performed .... by Pontianak's Youth ....... a ModernTraditional Dance .....

.....looked similar to Malay dance ..............bUt ............................
.........slightly ..........putting more enegetic movements .......

GAve way to Honour Guest to saY ...
.........few things on behave another bIG BOSS ..........................................

Really ......... knowing something .......JAKarta People were coming with ....  Cameras ........own ...TV producer ...... to take ...d' documented story of this .... event ........................................ ............d' main focused to a Lady .....conducting d' stage ...was somebody .... as sAid called ....TV Celebrity..... in Jakarta ...?????
Sorry ............DID nOT KNow..... her ..really.....
BUt... my judgement ......ok.....
......................she was a capable.... small talkative  lady .............
                ....not least...FAirus....a beautiful lady.........

.....all participated Leaders were invited on stage ..... receive... .........
.     ..............Memento ........
      ..........from d' mentioned Idham ......nn
                                           ..... another ......Mahmud ..????

So.......... d' ceremony OFficially OPened..........
TOURing LINtas NEgara 2012
..... by Honour Guest ....... so...d' BALoons....... cut OFF............ flied off....

Lastly.......... an Islamic  prayers ..... DOA .......................................
                       .......... for a safe Ride .. to ....nn ....fro..........vice versa.

A loTs  ........Groups .......Posing .....
BUT ...choose .......this ........ PEMODA group ........

Closer UP .................

Clubs' Representative ........... Leaders' Group

sorry ...NOT ....... to introduce U ........
           (Mimi ...switch to her faccebook Aemyza Morshidi ...)
...again ...nn... again .....Look for Uuself.......ok............

NOOn.......... break.......
scheduled to continue at 2.00pm  ..........for .....a group CONVOy...
bUT ....Jakarta.. TV People........busy....
...recording....nn.......interviewing....their people.....................................

......while  ............a part .. from acute times  .............
RIding in city   ....... to ......
                               ...............was helpful enough...............................

Back Exhibition Show field .........................
....Police Riders were given briefing of today's route...
    Hj PIan was still STrong ....... kicking be interviewed..  too
Children so anxious ...curiousity hIGh ...........................
ITs my BIKe .......WHy NOt ........ please seated ............................
                  d' COMfort of Uur LIfetime  .............. FEEL it ......

HERe ............
we ...came....riding a .....

RIDing for ....GOOD .....Reason a Destination ...


DOnating ........if converted this .....BRunei $$$  ................
sure MILLIOns Rupiah.......................................
........represent  ....PEMODA
  President...Pg. Haji Redzuan  ...
(Were U aware...left .. right.... all BIG elite housing......... ????? .........
... so somebody ...a kind hearted people had donated this place too .....) ....Richer bikers from Jakarta..................
..........were waiting their turn ..............................................................
Bikers ..GOT heart also ..human beings ..when Uu needed mOst ........
   help other people.............................
BUt this was being arranged by d' organiser earlier..................................

ONly.........ONe destination........... but... took times ...
Pontianak traffic ..... at day light here ....... ???
Very competitive.....a biker should be carefull roads became really tight narrow ........putting more vehicles once U stopped at traffic LIGhts..... woooww...Really tense...... !!!!..

............. so ...later ............
BAck to Hotel...... coz.... Uu're required to attend ...another meet ............
                                                                to NITE....................  ?????.

ONly TWO nights in PONTIanak.......... so tight........
DINNER....... for us participants ........... BUT Uur own.......................

We were just followed d' host's programme ........  ???????
NOt least........... PEMODA was too kind enough .................................
            .......... called upon ...  one of d'host committees' chairman .................
                             ....... IDHam to receive ........  PEMODA's memento.......

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