Sunday 5 December 2010


5 DECEMBER 2010 /
29 Zulhijah 1431
Time :
10.45 - 11.45 am
Place :
No.14 Simpang 279, Kampong Lambak Kiri, Jalan Pasir, Berakas BB1314

Traditionally....we prepared camps...built with bamboos nnn thick roof of canvas heavy... lol.. if we prepared our own...   d' next day all U'r muscles... thight up... coz.. 'd never done d' job... 
But... changes t ook place... as business booming with GOOD ideas...
Just put a call... or look at directory....many camps agencies... some provided PACKAGES.... including...if U want the caterings.. FOODS of  U'r choice...???... Just state U'r price... cheap..medium...expensive...

People are politely welcomed.....   a gift...for each.... a long time ago... cooked eggs rapped with beautifully coloured designed...either special ordered plastic flowers..      ...      imported creamic from Thailand....a lot..actually...  
.....depend on d' session..... were given to those who attended for d' wedding's invitation...   young ...old...

Camps for d' invited guests were erected in between d' roads... every houses very near to d' bride house...  so no PROBLEM..  for a thousand...invited
D' location...nn view is very nice nn beautiful here...overlooking downhill.. as d' house itself... on uphill..Most of d' houses were stone... concrete wall-building...  a few houses of 70s still have the looked...wooden wall.... but lately modified.... most two stories bunglows.... loll..
The land was piece... but since the families growing up nn d' land divided into small lots of land..... good enough... for a house each...

It was along time ago...a WISE owner...then...sharing the land with' children... nephews...nieces...cousins.. nnn so....all blood related here...
The road in this so called VILLAGe...also..just being resurfaced with new black tar... nn d' sides new drainage to allow the flow of water down to big drains... making much... attractive.... peace to stay nnn living here...
 Just around the corners....a mosque... a primary school... mall....nn easy

People were coming according to d' stated scheduled of invitation's card....
Seated as U want.... near to U'r friends.....relatives... but... according to gender...male for males.. female for females....

Usually... ready menu....of served catering foods in d' people seated.. around facing each other...

TIME...of appreciation... from d' bride's family.. of kins... like father...uncles....eldest son..for males.... nn females... would be...mother...aunties... eldest sisters..nn  so..
They would go round d' greet nn say THANK Uuu...   sooo.. in return...     what 're we to do...???
An envelop... prezented in between palm's right hand... at least...a red $10.00 NOTE... a contribution might a little help to d' family.....   halal... zahir


 The food being served.. soon after...thanksgiving..Doa.  nn   special wedding prayer.......

People were leaving soon....their stomach full..... but...
some leaved behind....waiting for d' bride-groom.. to come....usually..friends..nn relatives..

WHO... were...waiting...????
Ohh yess ...people...thought be near... ... Hjh Anita's Wedding Sister...
 Hjh.Anita...seated right.....  late brother's wife... nnn law....niece. ..  nephews...posing...

A decorated..  NEW KIA Sorento....    apporaching... some people HIRE branded NAMED's car ... coz...
TODAY...U'll be called...RAJA SEHARI... as like a royal being but...only a day...of..coz...
D' bride-groom..  now coming..    off d' car... couldn't WAIT...ehhh
As...a...tradition.. shade to bride-groom....???  nnn...
used to be......Well known elder person....  hands on bride-groom's hand... lead d'way..... to give direction... as if he was  BLIND.....???


And...MORE..... d'bride-groom...  before entered ...had to walk round.....woo ...going round THREE times..  like merry go round...eeeh..
Once to step in...stopped... A DOA ...first... wedding be allowed enter...... 
now short cut... depend on people nn  their customs  ... traditioal ceremony varied here...


Now allowed be seated... as d' wife waiting already...
Posing... as people took pictures.....


Allowed ample times..... for d' show... off...RAJA SEHARI...
Friends...relatives..... were here to see..   but d'  room was FULL


Just ..stood...for another...photograpic session...
Walked a step further... nn ...go...OUTside... spectators were here to SEE as well..


Congratulation.....  !!!!!

The invitation place is in a modern kampong ... once we consider a village... but look around... all concrete walls... except a few old houses around here ...may be built around 70s... but then UPGRADEd according to economic changes including families.....
At d' times when TIMBER was considered CHEAP... built wooden houses... but nOW... more to stones  ..  sand...nnn    ...cement...

Nice location..... slight....high land.... over look....down hills.....

The road is newly maintained nn   being resurfaced with new 'tar' ...  still looked ...branded new black tar.. both sides of d' road are well placed with concrete drainage....   so water flows to main big drains....

Once...The land here was BOUGHT ONE piece...   so.. when.. families expanded.... a WISE owner....divided d' land into many pLOTS of land... to be divided nnn shared uncles, aunties.....nn now their children.... cousins...nieces... nephews..nnn   ....  soo
A BIG family stay here.............. soo TODAY's.... everybody knows everybody..
Worries put aside...why...???..coz ....

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