Tuesday 3 April 2012

LONDOn EYe ... VISiting

LOndon EYE.......... my topic  .............
  ............. yes ............ its concept ...NOw ....many copies
 .........Availablity ...NOt ..ONly.... in LONdon
bUT ......this is special................

This was ....past tense ...............sounds present.....nn .........................
                                       ..................probably ...future ......................
           .......... would Uuu.....  like to Ride.... once here ?????????

eeeeemmmm ........... sounds ....nice ...spying ........with biG EYes...........
Planning .......... coming in SUmmer.................
        ........OK ......... IF Uu wish ..........................................
 .......    considering........ Lots.... MOre  ............. more ...people
                                    more demand ON lodgings........................
                                  raise cost  ....... travels ..transportation .........
                                 loonggg QQQQQQ...... possible .......................
                               nOt quiiet journey ...really ...................................
............................... wah .....may be more ................unpredicted.............

JUly...... month of GRaduating .......
                 ....universities students....FInal years......
JUst to remind .........many people.......... expecting LONDon......... coZ
OPening Ceremony ............
2012 LONDon SUMMer OLYmpic........
.......would begin ............27 July 2012

my story otherwise............... Once here....!!!
     .looking for........................ LOndon Taxi .......
                               ..............used to be bLACk...... bulky..
NOT ...NOw.......fashionable ... attractive bright  colours....  .
.......sponsorships' Names .....high lighted .......included .....

 Obvious ... RED ......many reds ....IN LONDOn .....(not China alone)...
Looking ....... ONe......aged....... Telepone Booth .......
used to be DR WHO.......  stories ......................
                  .........................popular tv series...remember ?????
............ NOw ...really paast.......
People would NOt probably turn their heads to see this REd  booth ........... ...ignoring ...... rather than appreciating....its .... existence  ..........
...............probably .....we only born yesterday..........................
                   ... most ..youngsters   ...owned HP ......nowadays......eeehhh
....Visited LONdon 2years ago.............but...  MIssed........
going to this mOst ...much talks. ....major LONdon Landmark .........tourist attraction..... so this time over ........ spared my day here ........................
................Starting ...embarked in morning from......... a place called hotel...  convenience location...... at Bayswater ........ PALACE COURT .......
                   coZ.......... uNDERGround tUBE ....just around.....................

Bayswater ...to Paddington .......
             .............too lazy to walk ...just stepped Down .. tube  station........
........... a reason .... walking to Norfolk Square ........ just a walking distant from Paddington Station to BRUNEI HALL ............ hostel nn ......Brunei Students' Unit office .......located here..............
All Goverment scholarship students should have reporting here ............ once IN ......... Out .....  end of semester after graduation .....

Some ........ of Uuu .......... must ..remember....... Once Upon a time......... once..... IF ....Uu're a student in UK............
NO body would miss ......visiting here ... coZ ....... IF available...would find  ..... cheap lodging ..cheap eating .....nn more ...... all  seemed subsidiZed........ in central LONDon...........
    .......... so...lucky Uuu.....  this is .....expensive LONdon................

............Today's destination ....from .........................................................
 .........Paddington to...WEstminister Station ....................
                      .......easy route using CIRCle LIne ..... yellow.....

................ so here ............ on d' other side bank of d' river ...Thames


............ here ...d' names ....all surrounded by ..WEstminister......... This Bridge also called Westminister Bridge .......................
d' building behind .....Palace of WEstminister ...................

......... along d' road's bridge ........... many activities ....... confronted ...........
 .............. business' strategies ...................................................
IF ..Uu THInk ...... appreciate ...... juust put a coin on his foot ......d' man ..a statue like ..... powder white face ..... (just like Metalic mEn found at NIte in Bukit Bintang area ... KL)
............man with skirt  .....a Scotish  with traditional blowpipe music.......
Ice cream van ........children mUSt buy (..elders too) ...was also here ...
..... donation........buying................... all spending ... NOT $ ...eeemm sterling ..in ...POunds (exchange rate rather diminishing now ...along time ago at my times .....................woooww  .........B$5 to ONe) ...........
......this is global ...phenomenal .......like tsunami takes place .........
eeeh.......... this M man...........
.......he was keeping his area clean nn tidy ...nO rubish..please...........

............ according to facts ..........just shortcut .......
...d' wheel ferries ....entire stracture 135 metres tall nn d' wheel's  diameter is 120 metres ...........altogether 32 oval ..ovoidal air-conditioned passenger-capsules............with capability carrying 25 people........................



..........so each entry.......needed tickets ............
...on line tickets also possible.. advance BOOKIng required .....  pAy .. LEss.
IF .....too many people ........had to wait but Q .....until our turn ........
Buying tickets available ......... straight to tickets' counterS .......
.........put in group-numbers as predicted time-frame  ....to queue ..................
.... before entering d' waiting bay .....in ...zig zag .........................................

.....Business Connections as MONey Concerned .....Tourism..
Shops .... Sourvenirs Corners .....Restaurant well connected ONE ROOF building.......... with ...... purchasing tickets ............................................

All.......what  to DO...... at noon waiting times ...........................................
            to ....................NOn stop WHeel Ferries Rotations ..........................
.................... if hungry ..thirst ....... FOund One .................. nn ..seated......

............. so Q....took place .......... once ours ......
TIckets...checked .............validity............ ok
............ SUMMer Holidays. ......... too many people .......
bE MORE....possible coming to ............................
                   2012 LONDon SUMMer Olympic...........
............. ok just INFO ..........once iN ..sure to know .....EAch Rotation takes about 30 minutes .... expensive tickets butt ...is it worth...??. and a capsule travels at a stately ..eeem NOt too slow..as fact mentioned 10.6 miles per hour ..twice as fast as a tortise ..(remember ....as slow as tortise ....but during a RAce between RABBit nn Tortise ....... WInner ... a reason for that ....???) .....sprinting allowing passengers to STEp on end OFF without d' WHEEL having to STop .................ooooh...good....less ..waiting times .......

................eeeemmmm .....another INFO.......
.......new management of WHEEL Ferries ...began January 2011 ... made LIghting UP ceremony to start a THREE Years contract ...between Nuclear company EDF Energy & Merlin & EDF would help it reduce d' LONDon EYe's overall CARbon Foot print using its expertise as d' UK's Largest producer of LOW CARbon ELectricity .......
                    .............well ...all about Green ..greener ....world...

BUt ..remember ....former British ....PRime Minister ..TONy BLair declared OPen on 31 December 1999 .....bUt only given to public until 9 March 2000.......... . ............ now d' age ...12 years......ok

.............. WHat can Uu tell ??? 
...........here ........... in picture ..........just  ............................................
YEss.......nOT just..... d' wheel gives us possible....... climb UP ...lift UP .... with clear glass capsule.... from ground then round a GIant LOOP .... in SKy ... ??? ...then back to ground ....
.....d experienced ......took people...to looK DOwn.... imigining..... HIgh sky
NOt necessarily RIcH... equally to all public..in all ages ......for Global ....to experience ..... as an easy .....accessible to all ............... yehhh......

BUt ONE thing  for sure........ mind in ease...CAlm.............
       ............NO worry........ iF Uu .....afraid .............fly high..........

.............. d' world of LOTs ... opportunities..........
Else........lOOking DOwn .....  too ..tiny ....too small to imigine.................


............... d' palace .......... d' river ...................d' bridge .......................
FAr to reach .....BUt small imigining ..............ALL in ONE solution................ 
...............as FAr as ..we could seen........d' sky LINe ..................

ONE rotation ..one turns.......... just took time 30 minutes
......longer enough ....... now to d' foot ground.....EXIt.........

............. Automatic photoGraphy snaps ........
.........bE sure   ....to BE ....REady .......of Coz  .......some unaware ................
     ...... ONce walked OUt gate ..... waiting d' Sourvenir Corner .......
...ready to sell ........all sorts ... about  .................................................... 
            ...................LONdon Eye take HOme sourvenirs ...
...photos taken Exhibited ..........nn ... Uur decision.....????
iF purchasing POwer...strong enough ............  WHy Not............................
             .........d' view ..much different......IF Uu're IN...........nn
                                           .........IF ..once in ...life Time......

.............End of d' much waiting trip to LONDon Eye .............
..... children were nOt coming this trip ....................................
so much different ....... independent .....But quiet ...................
as d' excitment could NOt be compared  ... without ... them..

 ......... this is something to remember ..........anywhere .....

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