Sunday 22 April 2012

JASTre ..Waterfront Tutong ceremony

JASTRE ..........
Department of  Environment, Parks and Recreation

Begin with ....
      .............d' name of newly launched TUtong Waterfront......
                     TATANGan PERSIARan
.......... a town ....nearly forgotten once highways bypassed ..skipped .. d' formerly important transit ...... if Uu wanted to proceed d' journey to Seria or Kuala Belait ...............
Tutong Town ....right located on d' bank of Sungai Tutong... but Now ...extended ..relocated Government quarters ....offices   highland areas BUkit Bendera .... a  much better safe outlook accessible locations ..........
Rebeautify ...old town ......  is ... NOt d' JOb .... ONe manshows ..... also NOt .... necessarily authoriity ......... so here .....
           Ministry of Developmment .............................
........through JASTRE .... leads d' way ............ 

    also ....d'availability

JASTRE ............ WELL prepared launch ..........................................
     .........what ever d' consequences .....came to worst ....)

................... as early as 7.00 am .......
             ....A NOT good starter ..........
             ..............WET ....raining ..morning ...ceded a little ........................
                          ...................giviing space of times..... to begin ...............

But ...people..... still coming .... pouring
                          .........    (much like water droppings)

Guest of Honour .....guests .... YB ...Tutong People .... Host department ..... Heads of Departments..... ministries departments' reprensentatives ............. local reponsible people .................... so forth

....Along d' road .....looked calm ...but ....shining ....wet ..............................
     ......just d' opposite ...a river ...flows parallel to  road outwards... to sea....
Now ....d' waterfront being taken much care Ladies ........................
                ............looked .....MUCH ..beautiful than ever.......
(if Uu miss passing this small town for  QUIte a long time.... once awhile detour ...stop at a coffee shop a familiar name's .. shop ..... KK Koya).

............ proceeding as.... ...PEOPLE ...guests ...........................
                           .......... d' minister .....were here .....................................
 ...... a simple operational proggramme ............ with words from d' Director of JASTRE .......... explaining .........d' launched's project.....
Waste time NOT ..........called upon MiNister of Development .....
             .........Honour Guest for ..... Opening Ceremony....
Waterfront ..........named ..referred to Tutong People........
with kalimat ..BIsmillah irrahman nirrahim .............
..................TATAngan PERsiaran ........

SHould ... sense of appreciation ..... as Minister always Does.........
                                       ................( For Well DOne Project)..............
............d' launcing means much to Ministry of Development....
...afterall ..... all..Works HArd ...pays Off................

...... morning Gathering....... while ..still too early....
Expectation ....... spectators ..... audiences ..................
.....mostly ..... government servants crossing d' road to  a large space...
............ to Do ...... few things ... warming UP exercises .........

..Took positions without formal directions ............
              IF ..... ALL ...knew WHAt to DO...???
....... all prepared in Lines ........... to do......... d' man's instructor ......
....... this was ...exercises' DRill .... marching ..... of Coz....
           sorry .....                        ....NO aerobics ................. ahhhh
.......sretching ..........arms 'UP......
.......lowering .... d' shoulders bending forward.........
.......SWing left ....Arms to righ ...........
.......Bend nn ..twist d' hips Backward ................
                                            .......nn ...more......

.....  Everybody....seemed  .....obedient followers

Times OVer....
.......10 to 15 minutes ......... Warm Up times......
......before proceeding next.........agenda.............
Walkton................. target only 2.00 km to .............
                   a Nusery Planting Location ........ JASTRe....
..........Walking uphill ............route........Bukit Bendera.......

SUNDAY..... nOT working day...........
        ease ... moST ...Walking ......quite relaxing .................
Roads .........all ............vehicles controlled ................................................. ...POlice .. town  authority easily took charge .....

Route was........... simple U turn........
Ending to Tutong Departments' Building..........
 ..........Most Ministries' Departments IN ......
           ONE Roof ... sharing.....
<><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><>
Today .... also ........... EARth Day ......
           ...........(Being KNown BEst to stimulate people to get involve)
........Minister ..PEHin Dato Awg Hj Suyoi...led d' way to start with PLAnting ....... green
MOST PARTICIPANTS ......... initiated ...plantiing plants ..... 
          show support for EARth DAy...
(at d' same time..... NGO Youth agencies ...also ... Beaches Cleaning JERudong Beach)

Posing ........a gRoup JASTRE ladies .....
         ...........ready to combat (as ..soldiers' colour also ... GReen ....yeeeeh)..
Met.......... Morni ...another friend-Man ready to record Video clips to Tutong TV producer ........... eeeemmm..
................ intially ........TODay is EARTH daY ...
                          ............April 22, 2012..................

Before  ....Honour Guest ..leaving.........
 ...............ROund Table nn ... seated  senior officers ..

So..Proper serving as used to cater ......... somebody ....Respected....

Back to ...d' early morning LOcation... TATAngan Persiaran..........
                              ..................taken from higher level ...........................

Tutong River ............right to d' edge ..............................................
                  ................. man-maDE beautiful CONcrete wall ......................
Clear Day .... but  ...........raining came through lately ................................
                     .................sure ... luck was on our side...

How MUch .........TATAngan PErsiaran..
...COst ?????
oNLyyy ...... THREE DIgits ..THOUsands ...
...Brunei Dollars...

d' End .....

BONus INFO.......
All about EARTH DAy
Borneo Bulletin , Tuesday 24, 2012

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