Wednesday 2 May 2012

LABUAn ISland BIke WEEk ...

1st ....Bike WEEk ..... in Labuan Island ..............
                          ........Wilayah Persekutuan ...........
....... in conjuction with Malaysian ..WATer FEStival ..
LABuan INTERnational SEA Challenge ...2012.........

Photos coverage ..... a dAY trip to Labuan .....
       Saturday, April 28, 2012 .....  ....share d' excitement .....d' movement touching LABUAN's soil ............
whAT is now ..known part of Wilayah Persekutuan Malaysia .......... ONce .......
 .....  year 40s..50s...60s......shipping became d' major transportation usage to carry travellers .... Labuan d' outlet of Bruneians ... a transit port to  port well as to d' other oversea international ports ..............................................
Ferry Shuttle HOPe ..... schedule daily..would leave .... at 9.15am....
bUt today as early as ..7.30am ....... Bikers were ready to embark ................
                                              SErasa Jetty ........... Muara..........................

PEMODA ............other BIkes' CLUBs ....nn ... LOne Bikers .... 
                                                              .............were early birds ......... 

Today Saturday ...working DAy ..... for Government sectors .......
..........while .....for some ...those .. working ...with Company agencies were OFF ...FREE dAY.......
............ a few....members joined this morning TRip to Labuan ........
Sure most IF NOt some...... from BElait District........working at ....Oil ...
                               ..Petroleum Company ..........

NOT least ......... d' other ferry ..SERi Anna .....
...consider ..STILL cheap ....... return....for somebody older...eeee........
              ............ONly transporting people .... to LAbuan............... 

 .......... NOt too LOng ....Leaving at 8.00..... arrived .. before 10.00 am ........
Passengers ...eeemmmm ...with me ............... another Biker ......
                        ........Major(R) Hj Daud ..nn ..partner .....
   NOT 'Makan Angin' ...    Honney moooonn ......kOt .....
LABUAN ............ so .....Next time ... destination ........
...WHy NOt ... just ...a STone throws..................
                                    NICe place to VIsit ....... so ...see Uuuu self...........
LOcation .....
          ......KOMPLEXs SUKAn LAUt
                     .....ANTARABANGSA W.P. LABUAN

Lots of EvenTs .......... organized by .......
        .......Ministry of Tourism Labuan F.T. Office... ..lets ..see around........ oh yes... there would be few events missed OUt ... after all ...managed to capture many photos..... within limited  time-frame ......... all in ONE place....... 

THis ...a show .... 4 x 4 ..... vehicles .....
Compound ............ d' venue ...... a large  parking space ......
 ......a field where...stage show  erected .... as well .......(evening shows) ......
......seafront ........venue for booths .....stalls ..... games ...competitions .....

 ...First encounter    ..... coz...d' smoke ....d' NOise..... d' people...... here... WHat DO Uu call ...this..... event ?????
Drag......  Round ...nn ...round ...... lone but used small space for sprinting ....
....WOOOwww ..... Just Looking  ...... people curious to witness ..........

............. lately joined .... another ....... car............. so spectators excited ...

 ......... so another bursting smelly tyres.....smokes......... nO brakes application ...but tyres kept ON rotating fast ..........drove round .......going round ..nn ....gone  fast round ..........
How DO judge this event ??????????/  ...sorry....... really illitrate.....

ON d' other side...................
BIKe Show ............included ...........
........ bicycles.......environmentalist's vehicles ........ all types of modification......... let begin people at young ages ......!!!!!!!!
WEre they really..INNOative...... ?????

..... scooters...... 250cc..... all ONe ...shaped
..........eeeemmmmm ...... Kepcai .........motors.....
... another .........MELayu ...Group

MOTor SHows ........... also include......... 
..........  vintage ................ CAR SHow ..............
................Uuu shoud BE appreciating ....too ...
Turtle Car ..???..........kereta kura-kura................
MOdern ...... younger cars........
Saloon Cars............. modified into fashionable .... attractive models....... added expensive assesories..
 ............ so coming back BIKes........... 
 .................................. NO.... two BUt ..THREE tyres...........
                   ........ SPYder.............. new edition ...............
           NOt least.....BAA 400 ........  Bruneian ..........................
Bike ..Booth ....Roby ..... Sabahan Biker .......... remember him ????
Hashim .......nn.... KK Sabah members ........................veterans ...........
           .............STaff ... of organising committees last BIIBBF 2011

.................going OUt to seafront ........ d' beach........... preparing for KAyaking.........
...... this was part of  ...............................
                      ...ROUND ISLAND KAYAK CHALLANGE ..........
                      ...KAYAK Sprint Challange ..............

.....CLEAR..............PILLow Fighting Competition..........

 .............. people ....standing..... at d' foot water depth .............
                                               ..... with poles ......FIShing poles ...............
.........just to participate ................favourite competition............................
         .......LABUAN International FIShing Tournment...
..........this must BE ...COASTAL Fishing Competition...

........... Not to deny .............. to promote ............
What Best ......for people......?????
...................... OPen Eyes ........... REad................
..... stalls  offered a lot .... to customers ..around.....
INFO ......... to public ...... more knowledgable ................................
                 ...........especially..about LABuan... history ...etc
TAlents NOT for SALE ........ But .. shown .... on d' positif side ..........
 ......EArn ... Living ......  with ..TAlent ..DRAwing.......
 ......stalls .....selling merchandise....... goods.... foods ........
                      .................textiles ..... all sorts..........
  NAme ..........FOUNd here..........sure..........
                                       ............... Bargain Goods.................

NOT to FOrget ...children ....d' most...........treat them fairly.......
May be...DOne successfully....with ...... Mini Fun Fair .............
                         ...Colouring Competition .......
     ....Graffiti ART Competition .........more games.. Prizes ...presentation .............................

......ON d' street..........handling BIG BIkes  ....were easy  ......
BUT nOT until .......Uuu TRy .........
............ SLow Riding........ competition ..............

...LAte .......BIke Registration .... still welcome....... at this sport's complex................
                             ...Bikes Officequarters...........

 ........... sorry......... LAte...participants ..........
...NO MOre ....Labuan BIKE Shirts....... to purchase...
so ....IF Uu Want ......leave Uur ..names...... to ...
                         .........Abidin Garip ...019-8104600 ......
                        .....LA Riders ........... picture.....
mOre to REgister ......early ON Line registration ..... ONly ...........
 .........RM $30.00 to grap d' shirt........................ so .........
BRunei ..KEMbara Bikers ......... with Haji YAZid.............
COMMITTEES .....local members ......... with Brunei Bikers ...BBC
 MId noon...nearing.......FULLy used compound............
               .........BIkes Show........ from ...owners .....participants....
............ Coming Late.......... through...... ferry at ...........
..MENUmbok ..Sabah..............Brunei BIkers ....mission from back way ......TEmburong........
             Uu ......Really KNow them .........???..... familiar faces.......  ehh.
Eeemmmmm...Patrick owner......VIctory...........
         ......RED Harley looked brandly new...eeeehh........Jack...........
............. SOund Testing .......really ........
Loud...... Louder.......loudest...........
Sharp.....shaper.......sharpest.................. Ok
........... within period of times..........................
.............  met another Brunei Biker's friend.......coming all ....... alone.....
             ................BUt ....worry NOt.... family
So...nOw......    Nearing ...times' OVer...........
Looking Back ......Bikes Show..........Stage Show.....(still empty)

Walking .....along d' walking pathway .............. covered  ONe RooF game....
                                      ......youth football nowadays.... FUTsal ........ yah
                     .................passing Financial PArk .....building ..............
so...leaving ..venue...SEA Sports' Complex town to...Ferry...

Really....feeling home........Once Uuu looked around .... met faces U know.... 
.........Brunei Bikers ...where ..Bikes??? ..anywhere.... NO where .... here.....???
BETA Apartment ......... just around d' corner to town ....................
                .........( a place for bikers.....large rooms to accommodate)
with colourful....landscapes covered sections of....walkways................

............ passing a nEw section ......TAMU LABUan WAlk...........
                                         .... used to be... somewhere in town............. d' time around............
......traders already back home d' weekends market stalls.... here........
                     ........ leaving few stalls to  be attended.............................

....ferries  ....Departuring times.....3.30pm ...last at ..4.00pm...
Shuttle Hope...also 4.00pm.... carrying vehicles nn ..passengers ....... Depature Hall...on d' other side .....oNly carrying passengers ........
..... so now.....Uur choice ......
..........Arrival.......... same time.....
...... passengers without vehicles ....
       ....... queuing for inspection ...passports....
                          so..... home....   friends........

1 comment:

  1. waste of fuel and damaging the environment. rich mens way of having fun.
