Monday 21 May 2012


 RIDing to TUTOng ...for a cause .......
                                  ......for a specific reason
..........SAfety Briefing ...

Riding MOTORbike......d' main FOcus.....of coz...
.......... all..Members....... INVited to attend ..........

Attending .......nOT necessarily .....
   .....riding with motors .............  with .......
                              ......CArs ..also welcomed..

..........d' purpose of cOMing..acknowledged............. add...more....MOTOrbiking KNowledges............
NOt as gather..BIkers...  yearly...
            .........once in BLUe MOOn...... yeah...

Waitiig to ENter.........
PEMODA's members....should make sure to take attendance claim milaGE.....
Here at ..DEWAN Seri Kenangan.....Tutong...

This was part of .....activities... as needed......
      ....IN serviceTRaining course......  sort off....?? BACk TO SCHOOL..... PEMODA 'S members..... nn ..GUest's ...invited   Clubs..'

...should saluTE ......d' committees......
                   .............d' chairmainship...Pg Hj.Redzuan......... help nn add knowledgable...d' project implemented by authority.............
                   ...........all about transportation.... riding... particularly...............

...........Victor....Alex...Pg. MaliK...Haji Sarkawi.........
             .............. were here hEar.........
nn.... more younger members d' BAck seats......

During Briefing sesssion .............
 Chairperson...... PEMODA's President ...........
                                     .......Pg Haji Redzuan ....
                 .......assisted by deputy...Haji Khairul...
Below..Left.....(sample ..Big Silver Chain ..worn by member .. NOt for SAle... anywhere....far right......PEMODA's shirts.... official..available...nn ...more..)
.....ENd of TWO INvited Speakers... before break..
representative ...POlice Force ....nn......  REdZA Driving School ......

A simple.. procedure ...presentation DAy ..
TALKs....from authority ..POLice Force... REDZA Driving School...(by her chairmain's School boss... Pg Hj Redzuan's mother)... Brunei RED Crescent members.....NOt least.... from PEMODA's chairman himself.. lucky enough to extract........ NEWs 
 ....a SHort Cut my photos' report....hear ALL in.....
.....................Borneo Bulletin's NEWS


......RED CREScent......touching................
...immediate hELP..... wHat should be DONE.... ????

ARE...BIKers ... really...ACCident Prone........ ???
.... so...first  hAnd ...HELp.... from ..................
BIkers' friends before.... taken to  .....HOspital......
LOOked.. simple BUT ..NEEDed

..... so President ......Pg Haji Redzuan............
            ...... all about ..CONVoy RIding...  more

NEEDed FOCUs...... to OHP..projector ................
...........bUt this was
modern way to present......... so help Uur SElf......
                       .......... mEAning....READing.......
                       ............IF U'r nOt Listening...OK

........ my easy WAy explain to UUU ... BRo...

.......NOT to FOrget...... MIND .....Ur ...LEG.......
...........IF Ur Hands are too ...BUSYyyyyy......... ok
(onnly bikers.....know what to DO) ............. nn.....
...... so...... d' End... talking......
        ........with d' help of these pictures.... of COZ..
At d' end ......... all being served refreshment........ what ...waiting For......................

................outside DEWan............gathering .......
              .......all talking about .....WHat........???

..........MOtoring...........  U tend to..... to TALK ......
......mOSt about ..motoring........ uPDAted ..yeh..
CALL..... to Get together ...........picture

ONE .......was nOt enough............

LAST...........lasttttt .................
          I ...also ..... NOT

ok................ that was for today.......
..CCcheeriorrr.... membersss.............

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