Saturday 11 August 2012

PEMODA ..Ramadhan GOOD Deeds

RAMadhan .... here PEMODA comes .....
.......a little contribution to communities..... (uncounted ...unseen  physically ...)
Here.... d' Events took place .....prior to d' following activities ........................
Friday 3 August ......(14th Ramadhan)
Reciting..Surah Yassin ..Tahlil cementeries Tutong ........
.... to former..President ...Late Haji Maidin Momin nn a few others ...... remembering.. those people DEParted earlier by visiting their graves ..... during this Fasting Month part of PEMODA's .... GOOd  deeds..... to society..

  ....Sunday 5 August ....
........ as early as 8.00am.... a meeting point at a mOsque in Muara town......

MOSque Name MUara.........
Proceeding to Muslim Cemeteries ..... here...  to Late Haji Misli....

............... going to ...
Another Kampong Mata-Mata ..... at Katok area.....
(..yesss... some of us unaware to this place ...coz..d' location needed proper directional map for those people coming from outside of this area ................)

 .....surrounded .....with green forest ....
                        ............... atmosphere welcoming cooool. .....................
...... so just make Uself..........available at anytimes ..................... here........ 
.............( here d' grave.......... clearly named..)
.... nice ..... peace in mind .....  d' compound clean........
                                        ( cleaning activity done by kampong people )
....d'people in  graves ..... usually chosen d' best place .......
              .... as residing birthplace or...convenient to be visited by families.....

ZUL... Led....d'reciting Surah Yassin ...Tahlil  .....
                            (d' grave belonged to ...his Late Brother in Law) ........

 ........... pouring scented water onto d' graves ......
                                        ...........soon after ....recital completed....

 .......... so remembering .........people we loved.... with prayers.... particularly at this month of Ramadhan ..... as we felt more they  are no longer  with us to celebrate d' coming ...aid' mubarak  .........................................................

Saturday 11 August ..... 4.00pm 
Meeting Point ....... at  ....JP ....JeruDOng Playground ......
...schedulled for SUNGkai RIDE..... to a called ...
                                               .............RBA Golf CLUB..... 

 PEMODA members .... registering... paying ..nn COLLecting MONey .....
(NOT only for d' food for d' SUNGkai .....breaking FASt ....but ......................
                          ....those like to contribute for DOnation Fund..... accepted..) 

 .......... members were pouring to participate ......
  .... so ... Sungkai RIDE ... beside.. giving .. DONAtion....
Haji Khairul ..d' VICe ......  took President place .....................
  .....................briefing members ..... today event.... ???

.......... to bless ........each activity followed ..........................................
 ........ today...... a NEw found Ustaz ..... reciting..DOA.....

 ............. nearing 5.00pm ........... ready to move...

........... a complete convoy ...... with multi bikes ....

 .............EXit..JP...going to BSB ...........................
........Tutong-Muara Highway...... turned right.... passing UBD.... to GADong
...... turned LEft ....... so Airport......

............. arriving ............ to a location .. RBA Golf CLub..... building.....

 ................ parking for motors   ...........available...

 ...... so here our belOVIng Couple... ZUL nn Wife....

 ........... participants..... valid paid .....welcomed.......................
                    ..........collec EaCh ....Yassin BOOK.... once entered ........
......................RBA Golf CluB RestaURnt...............

 .....Seated...... d' President ....PH Redzuan ..Hj Ustaz .................. NOT to waste time ....(just  enough time..) REciting TAHLil.......

 ............ so this man..... fluent...Quranic reader...... Tahlil .....
                                                    ........Haji Pi Eee...   aaaa

 shown here part of d' PEMODA families...........
..... altogether ..a successfull event with ....almost... or ... more ...
      .....100 people present.....   so what a crowd here ...of coz
TODAy ...actually....presenting DONAtions.... to PEMODA orphans....
.......... d' children ... without fathers ...... so ...without mother... too ...aaah
 ......  most .....under 18 years of age ......... were hopefully subsidising... this donation to help d' budget tight for d' coming HARI RAYA celebration.....

Children of PEMODA.........
.....hampers ...... at least something to bring home ......
............ Jimmy Family  .... losing mother ....also receving ..Hamper.... Donation for these PEMODA Members...
........d' following .... presentation ..... GIven out .....pAtches    of achiving ..MILage.. 9000km ...3000km....... woooww. 
..(most recipients were members participated during Pontianak BIIBBF's Trip) familiar .... happy ..nn ..smiling ...FAces.....

SO did...Haji Pian ....ah
............. more ..Patches.... especially...members achiving ......3000km

.....wah ...... another loving couple...Haji Jus... nn spouse............
.................ready ...before day light vanish .........before sun sets ...............
                            bUT ...make sure ...................  food on table................  

 .....LOving Friends too ....make ..Q .... for food .....
......a better common practise nowadays..... so Food ready on table before BREAking FAst..... (with two glasses ??..mine actually)
                    ....  (my wife ..nn..son were invited to 'break fast' with me too)

....... so wait for d' AZan ... d' call for prayer ....... tv ....easier media hear..... for d' AZan......

 Bismillah with DOA ..... so BREAK ..d' fast...(IFtar)...
....NOT least ......our man nn partner...say..
                                                     ..... Happy Birthday ....too...........

 ....happy posing ....... coming as far as Belait to join d' SUNGkai RIDE....
           at RBA  Golf Restaurant...................... Bachelor ..JIMMY .... 
                                 ................ friendly with our LADies BIKeRzzz
 family ...friends............. .......lastly ...before leaving .....
RBA GOLF CLUB.............................
........selamat berpuas..................... all dear PEMODA members .....

so coming RIDEs .....looking forward..................... 
                     SAHUR RiDe ................
                     RAYA RiDe LABUan...

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