Thursday 2 August 2012

SEEing ... SINGApore

So........ d' BEst way ... seeing Singapore .....
HOp On ...Hop Off .....
        as advise Tourism Singapore.... ...  eeeemmmm
                                 .............. thinK  ........ burgeting TOurist ....ah..

 so...GEt .....ONE
        ...this leaflet ....Singapore brochure ...... FRee.... from ..where ..........???
...just ASk..... ok.....this template let Uu discover d' island   (simple INFO really).....(fully visited destinations in 2 days ...wish ...IF U got times ) ...

ok Uu 
                                             ONE complete INFO help Uuuu...
 Starting POint .........find d' way One station  ......SUNtec HuB ....
                        ..... at SUNtect CIty MALL...............
or..Ur choice .... first look at Singapore Visitor Centre ................................
..for ...INFORmation......... starting point's HUb ...near to Ur hotel ...???? ..ok..
Transportation...varies....... charging differently ..of COz....  UNIQue.... yessss......           especially d' DUCK Ride ..... on Land WAter ......eeee..
Wacky DUCkkkk..........
my ride.... a simple ..City Sightseeing .... NOt..Original Tour ... Sentosa & Rhino  ... HIPPo River Cruise ... or...... Bumble Bee  Water Taxi ..................
D' route ..passing ... a few U might know... places of interest ..

 ....... going along ..passing Flyer ......Marina BAy Sands... ..(WAtch carefully.... along main roads' side ... strong stainless cables....
...EREcted for special SPOtLIghts ON .....d' NIte in SEPTember MOnth of ... WORld class races.... so called ...FORMULa ONE..... be ready)

 City ....Looking ..getting CLoser High Rise buildings .....

 CIty.... still have...old Look .... old WET market ..turned something else.... convenience for all ....... but sound memoriable PASt .........................

 .......Standing TALL ....Sculpture ..... as media ..something to be appreciated by all ... a common looked for easy target mid way ..... right on d' road ........
                .....seen landmark ...symbolic ......for ...multi races......

 SHIP on tOP ...  hiGh ......UP.....
..... probably rarely seen .....happened.. in JAPan ...found ONe stranded on land.....once in ....Aceh .....sure real reason  to ...Tsunami .. in S'pore ..???? .......NO ... NOT ...until Uu learn ...MOree ...about it....eee
NOt  ....... Natural disaster known used to ...earthquake ..........
....right now ....MONey Disaster.....  really...........
...... BUT...  once upon a time ....
...Marina Bay ....... was ...sea port .... parking place for ships ......
           see Uuself............nO SEA only........ on land... 

 Development still in progress..............
........underneath.... underground project ......Future...CIRCLE Lines.... New rails ..tubes... in progress....... busy locations ..... main locations ... around S'pore...

OLd ...NEw.. buildings ... kampong places vanish ...
                      ..........yet...... find out ......   ah plants ...still evidence ................
              ...somewhere at BOTanical Garden..........
BUt once departed this area ...going ... rich..richer place..... going  hilly routes...... still have many private houses ...BUt have one ...ok .... a plot  of  land ....needed to have a house .....could spend S$ least millions....... for d' propety ........... ah... money can bUY .....High raise apartment one offered ........ to purchasers ..... considered all as  commoners......
 ....d' road ... outlet city central ...just around....busy shopping location ..popularly to tourist....... known for.... S'pore shopping area ............
 .................ORChard Road............of COz...........

Bus ..direction ...going .....round
.......seen rickshaw ... d'tricycle .... most eldest riders' owner ................
iF ..Uu're OLd...... over 62...yet still kicking .... would still find openly employed.... openly offerED ....... to fill d' VACCum ..........
              ...Uu're still needed....... here...  coz lately...low birth rates.... so did manpower requirement ....expanding ...... d' last few decades........ as most living human... ..longer life ......more becoming old ....nn so survival people ....... say stay .... strong ...healty ....          
         so namely ...... country ............. DEVEloped  ....

..going ahead...    passing
.............Little INdian................ MUstafa..Shopping place...... popularly known place ...... try shop here......... why NOt..??? Find out d' different ....   NON comparable ........elsewhere
Hop ON ...HOp  OFF....... using d' buses.... 2 days... yes....FREE....

 eeemmm.... they called ..........thieves Market..... Really....
  ....  still popular destination ...........visiting buyers .... welcome ....
 ....bargain for ....USed..... things.... products.....U like to purchase...
                 ......... unavailable elsewhere.............. old ... new ........

FOund ONe.........
.......ARAbic SChool......... still popularly place for learners .........

 Muslim prayer's place ....nn .... more as useful centre of educatioon ............

.........Bus with open top ............. double decker as usually ...popularly used in LONdon for tourist .... followed by many BIg ...cities....
NOt least......old heritage buillding........ communities ....... growing ...... so dominated by certain ethnic ......... any big growing cities ....................

STanding TALL building ....all around.... 
........CHIna TOWn........... as called............
               Found somewhere d' Chinatown Heritage Centre

Route circling back to where ....starting
.............. just passing MARina  Bay Sands........ location find recent popular ...HOt ...with activiities arcades .......
 .......... where U also could spend all Ur precious income at one time ............. Casino .....     .....ah.
....... so conferences...................  meetings...........more .. took adventages..
             as place.......... meeting centre for d' world TOP business .......
                              d' end ..TIred ...tour Sight Seeing Bus .... terminated at SUntec HUb d' RIDe ...end.......where it started...SUNtec City Mall......

But ...more ..up to invdividually interest............
Going closer............. shops
..ok ..time to hOp OFF..... so proper way.... look around at shopping arcades ..... Orchard Road....    eeemmm
...... Forget NOt .... watching ..... few branded goods.....             
......... somewhere .... popular......... nn ...expensive ........ at least NOT to waste

.Just LOOking market ...inside d' mall .....
...... modern way atmosphere

JUst outside ............. look at d' crowd ........week day...working day......
...before leaving ............ to rest

........ nn nicely located ..........
              ............ name .. place .... nn ..dates....
                     JULy remember.....??? d' end ...time to pack back home.............

nNNOt  until......... spending times old motor ..Harley .......  sure .... NOT for Sale.....
Here to show ......... as an attractive part ...promotion ... shop inside d' airport ... FREE tax ....????
                 of cOz...................people ready for strategies..... ok....
                           to capture more customers ............. more buyers.....  for reminder ... before .......nn...... after.... Ur tURn ............. to SEE ...SINGAPORE ....
                     ............................... bye.............

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