Saturday 21 January 2012


INVItation CArds ............... distributed among village people ........... office colleagues ............. friends .........relatives ....... husband with wife ....spouses ......some invited all in a family ....... typical welcoming guests ......unlimited....up to thousand nn MOre ......especially eldest nn FIrst child to gET Married.........

................. a sample ........ FRont page .... nn d' last page ...English ....
But... mid ...centre ...... elaborate ..... LIst of Names....... expecting Hopefully ......... parents....... eldest relatives ...... so .... so all ...................
IF .... possible ..... related as remembered .... this is a short list ..... Uu could FInd few Wedding Invition Cards .... up to THRee pages of names' List...... WOoww

In short ...
            10.30 - 11.30am ....Arrival of GUEst............

 .....scheduled ..........  programme ............with timing Right ....................... space allow ...Guests... to arrive ............... nn seated.........

At ALL..MALe camps ............ area ...................................
Welcoming  ....waiting Guests .......were usually............... related to d' Groom ................... Not official but they knnow their job .....their responsibility .......... to greet such ......smiles nn a polite way ......

............CARA MElayu ............ symbol of d' identity..............
... a polite way of BRunei Malay community............ wearing this costume during this auspicious occasion .................................................
                       .............................attending Weddings....

LAdies ..... most wearing modern "Baju Kurung" .... some made fashionable with expensive  clothing ....... textiles .... meant only to wear ... when this occasional's climax ..... wedding Day.....

Welcomed in separated site ...... seated ....... such a way ......opened shaded .....camps ..........................................................
Once entered .........guests were given each........... GIft ................ Not...along time ago d' wedding GIft was JUSt ... simple boiled egg......coloured nn wrapped ......... in paper's thin case .....lately changed in mini bowl creamic changes took place too .....replacing eggs ..... now varities ............... shaped ........ round ..... rectangle ........nn IN boxes ....... to find .... inside a surprise ..... take AWAy ...home gifts ........... at least ....enjoyed  nn happy...........................

.............. Groom ......once ready............. would be travelling to d' bride's place..............using a special CAr......decorated........... to identitify
........d' memoriable day...................................................
Today d' groom .........usiing own car...........LEXus IS 300 ...some..... hired or borrowed..........bigger........expensive ..... sort of............................                                      ...................a reason show this special DAy...........
                                                                       ................ wedding Day..

 .............. as in programme ........... groom......would be accompanied ........
 ...father ...uncles ...nn eldest .... went round meet....Male's Guests...... to say "thank Uuu" .... nn in returned ...Guests usully a polite way
.....submitted envelopes under d' palm while sshaking hands ........ contained donation as  much Uuu wish to give........ sort of contributing ............ cash..... $......... to assist ....... d' family of NEW Wedding couple would BE .....

............. during arrival gap....... d' programme continued......... waiting times took place times......... so..........entertainment with soft music ........... to offer peace in mind.... in this case ... a group of musical people......were invited to entertain ....
........with.............. Nasid...........  wearing same coloured to make easily
 recognised......they were in Group.... LIVe..... singing   ...............Not using Musical Band.......... or Karaoke.........
......... d' Arabic .....middle East............ musical instruments .......singing in group chorus ..... with Islamic wordings  ....

.................on behalf of d' family.................. a representative would ...say a few words........ using LOud Speakers..of COz thanks.....all ........ guests ......appreciate ....especially.........remembered to spend their times to come...... so .......nn
Next............ Doa..........a special praying.... to bride nn groom .... couple's future .......long ....nn lasting.... till having ...grand children common Islamic ritual all in one ............... for good ...prosperous ...good health ...etc ....etc once............. Doa........finished ...........all invited to serve d' menu on table................................

So ...............did.....when finished .......people dispersed................... from camps .................................................................................................

 .....................those........... really closed  families .................................
....welcomed to escort follow .....d' group to d' bride place...................

.......... TWo coaches were assigned to take people....... to bride place
              ............d' place was ..............
                                    Gadong.... BSB

 .................. Right Timing to arrive ..... d' HOTel............... 

 SONGKet BallROOm could aCCoMAdate THOUSAND  ...................
........................ arriving.........while d' people .....guests......were serving .. their food....

bRIdeGROOM ......STRAaiGHT to   D' STAGE  ........................................

........................d' athmosphere......... COOLL
.....with d' sounds of music ........d' hitting ....tambourine liked.............  a  curved round hole wood ... covered with buffalo...cattle's dry thick skin called HADRah...............  HADrah Traditional beating 
       ..............a group of people here.......invited ...specially to perform ....(Uuu needed to be trained nn ..HOurs of practises ) hit d' tempo ....tune... to have .... d' right synchronize beatings in search of convencing sound ....... d' music that comfort Uuuur ears ............
                    .............. while people still seated .....................
                         ............enjoying d' surrounded.... echoing music ............

Traditionally  .......led d' groom ..............
                  ........d' elder brought to meet d' bride seated at d' STage
 ........ PERLAMIN ............a special decorated double seat for .............
         d' couple now .........called .........RAJA SEHARI...............
NOt least........ again praying .....d' call of ALLLah .. nn.. DOA.... 
Right..........d' COUPLe ......celebrated..........nn ....... praised like  ....... as
 KING queen on Throne .........but only A DAy........

 ......... here Uuu 're ...........

 ............. Colleagues ..........nn ...OOFFice People ..... First..........

............NOT .........least .........      NEW wedded COUPLE.........a MUst posing to REMember...........
....... as a Happy  family.........with dad...mum......
                  .....nn sisters.....................

 ......NOw................... with added..................extanded ................. familes...........uncles ....cousins....... all here.....

On ... Stage ......... photographing ......
 .....UUncles ...aunts..............................
                  ...Second cousins ..............not forgotten...........................
while d' rest ..... leaving........ or just looking ......................................

Time to leave
................... could NOt wait long.......... WEdding ...... lately over... ............ next  had to get moved to find back to waiting coach... 
nn ......back home...

 INVItation ... continued for d' Nite................ so called ... again ...

Night function .....a visit from Bridegroom's families ..... to Kampong Katimahar as d' couple would be having .......
     ............Malam Ambil Ambilan ..... tradition.....of MAKAN BERSUAP SUAPAN.....
Couple .... being watch ......... so d' couple were  feeding each other ..........

 .....TOOK place at bRIDE HOME..... so couple...
                                        .......allowed to be SEAted  together 
...again .....under d' spectators ......surrounded

...... moved to outdoor ....... at camps ......... togehter with  d' rest .............

......SO fAThERs .........mothers ....... in lawS ...........................................
                                             SEATED between .... D' COUPLE................. close d' ceremony........ DOa... pray to Allah Almighty .....
                             .................. for peaceful...wealthy .....healthy .....happy
                             Future ENDing of COz............

....lastly .... allowing ................ to feed .... Guest.............
                                            ......another Nite Dinner........
............d' NIte ......... to remember.................................... ENd

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