Monday 16 January 2012


JINg Chew..........
                      an old COFFEE SHOp ...ever established in town......
                      .............. now in GAdONG ................................................
       STILL ...... in .......bANDAR seRI bEGAWAN ...BSB........

   ok ........ I don't have to tell Uuu..... all here in  .... today's NEWs...
                        BORNeo Bulletin.........
                  ....................Monday 16, January 2012


 SUNDay ........ 15 January 2012

.......... members were called to go for .......SUNrise RIde .........
                                        at d' assembly point .........
                                        Jing Chew ....... Gadong .....
                                        time .... 7.00 am


OK ...JEFF..... Uuu First......... sure.. sombody fall in lOve......
                                ..........sweet smiles...... eeeee

............ members were NOT hesitated to ...attend ...... here ................
..............New year 2012 .....  HAppy to meet  all ...........
Hugs ......... signed of common .......friendship among Bikers .................
                ......... where were UUUUu          ?????????
LONgggg time ......NOt Seee Uuuuu............... PG...

 ...........  sign Uuu attendance............ here ......
to claim......... today's journey ......milages.... 100 km.............

...................... ok..... Qqq ..Abdullah.... first come ..1st... write......

PROUd ...Posing ..........with IRONMAN.........
............. from TEMburong ...............our friend ........ ALI ......
one of TWos ....PEMODA ....just claimed Malaysian Record RIDE...... on New Year's eve .....

 Major (R) Haji Daud..................
                            Haji Hairi ..... (another IRONMAn .......)
.............. eeeeh..... who is coming ???????.........

..................... OOhhh ...DATO.... another biker
              ......but just to drop  in awhile ............ to say ...hello...

..............MEnu .......lists.............. order............ Uur breakfast..........
.....................PEMODA.......... would bill ..........all.......... only this shop...

 ............. Pg DEAn .....
           what happened to Uuu ...L EG ..... Pg.....????
...... sorry... NO RIde......... BUT still ..join IN d' morning Group .....
really missed IF NOT................ Bikers

 ..............all hands UP.............. Abdullah
.............. LOng Time NOt see ............. only on TV ........eee hhhh
                                                      ...morning  BruneiTV ..............  lol..
AleX ........ Pg Redzuan .......... our PEMODA's President................
 ....... ZUL...............also...coming .................................................... is my showww ................
               ...........................listen...everybody ....................
BLa...... bla... bla.....
100km..... start .. here .......last stop at ................. WATERfront..BSB....

 BUt............ first .....announcement.........
                TWO of our MEN........... Broke RECOrd........
                Haji Hairi............ would also get .....milage Patch.......
                 ............... a certificate ............ to proof.. eeee?????

 .............. another STRONg Man............ ALI............
.........also worth to get a ..CERTifate...... RIding ...22 hours ... NON .... stop
.....................TIP ............TIp ................................
.....................Kuching..Sarawak ... to
                                         ............KUdat, SAbah...

  ................. ok............ we like to JOIN...................nn be happy...........
                       ............. with Haji Hairi.........  too
 ........................ horrrryyyyyyyy........................

............. nO other... than... Haji Sarkawi...........
Let's pray to   AAAllah ........ new year .... safe riDE.....
             ............. good health.... plus +++ ...pluss+++

 ................ BEfore...ride......... pose
Three ...generation .......... Not least.... just LOOking........eeeh
           BUt....ALL ....very sure...handsome .....  lol..................
                                    ...gauranteeee .................punya.........


..ON Uuu MArKs ........ get set .......sit ......

GAdong............ Jalan Tutong .......... EMpire Hotel....back to....... Jalan.... Berakas ....... Muara....... reached roundabout ....Muara turned ......back to old road .....Jalan mUara - Bandar ...left Jalan Kota Batu ..... to Bandar...SUBOK...... all coastal..... river view to kampong Ayer.......... so .........BSB .... Jalan Kianggeh ... another...LEft..... to left... until Yayasan........ Building..... to WAterfront........
                                      ....................Brunei River Waterfront posing .........while still ............... morning........ sun

  HERo....HIndustan .......... kali
                                 .............. ok...... all young men ......................  
                                 ...eeeeh NOt to mention...  ages ...aaaahhhhh...    except .......VIctor ........tried to capture someting he wanted to Buy .... ha

 ................. d' design background.............. NOT...
............... tel Me .............. what Number.......... is IT ??????
                                                   ......anybody ....

 ssoooo ...VICTORy........ name of d' bIg MOtor .........looo
Haji NORdin........... owner...........was named ....motor offff ........
              ........ coZ.... only ONE ASIA ................

this place ............... our booth .....
....... our mission .... RIDE BSB......... today...............
...few activiities took place seafront ............. booth erected to be occupied  .... One for .....PEMODA ..........where.. registration........ new members .... renew members 2012 .. .........PEMODA .....T shirs  ..... all could be settled... accepted ... here  ...... please ...PAyyy................................

NOt......least...............Jimmy tried to show................he is one of of d' participant............... here............ got d' right................ eeeee

 CArs....... show took place................
          ............old ..... new..........modified ....tooo
               .......LOOk .... extravagant...!!!!

 .............. so d' people ......were..waiting FOr........... RACES .......
                ......... goooo .......GO KArts .................

............eeeeh ...........everybody .................
.......................please...................... come..
Bulletin MAn ......................
news man ..................................... is here ..........

                ..............  ok............ d' end ..................

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